Macos Setup

I have been using a Macbook Pro 14” with M1 Max and 32GB RAM for over 8 months now. It’s been a fantastic journey and the daily experience is so good! Good battery life, very fast CPU and things just works.

MacOS got some quirks for a long time Windows user like the stupid fullscreen feature that Mac users use. Coming from Windows the most missed feature was to easily split screen in half using keyboard shortcuts, this is luckily solved with the free program Rectangle. Other than that I have not met any major issues, and will most probably go Mac for a long time forward.

Here is a list of programs and settings I use on my Macbook Pro.


# Open terminal and run following to install brew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

# Then run the following commands to install all the programs I use
# Very useful tools for all mac users
brew install rectangle dozer raycast

# General programs I use
brew install spotify slack visual-studio-code
brew install mattermost signal steam josm gimp discord

# Useful for people using terminal
brew install iterm2 zsh fig stats

# Developer tools
brew install postman github docker gh
brew install node

# Useful tools
brew install ffmpeg imagemagick nmap keeweb

Browser extensions:

I have a small set of extensions that I have used for many years:


Not sure how to automate settings backup and restore, but here is a list of settings I like to change.

Word Count: 498
Tags: general