2023 August recap
2023 August
Whosh August went fast! I’ve been super busy doing something every weekend and day!
I had a lovely weekend trip to Copenhagen, a super nice city where you can bike everywhere and eat delicious food. And of course there is a nice night life as well. I would especially mention the freetown Christiania, the “lawless” area inside Copenhagen. This area naturally attracts organised crime as you will easily see if you visit the main street and “Pusher’s street” where they sell weed and other drugs openly with large signs. It was nice to sit in a caffe, drink a beer and see all the sellers run away when the police arrived to do a razzia. We were told that the police perform razzias 1-3 times a day, so it’s just another normal day where maybe one of the sellers get 3 months of jail time. The funny part of it is observing that everything was business as usual, 10 minutes after the police left. But Christiania is a very nice place to walk around in, it’s fascinating to see the homes people have built and think about how they manage rules, property ownership etc in a lawless town within Copenhagen.
The week after I attended the wedding of a collegue of mine, nice food, nice people, nice party! And teslas are really great to sleep in when you bring a good mattress.
Then I spent 5 days in spain, in Torrevieja or “Tørrevigå” as we called it. 35 degrees and high humiditiy is not for me, but the nightlife was great! For some reason I never come home relaxed after vacation with friends 🤔.
Other than that my friends that study are coming back to Bergen so the usual quiz, bar, friByte and going to the gym is finally getting back to normal again.
Monthly principle
I’ll try something new here. List one of my principles that I try to follow in my daily life:
"Live for the weekdays not just the weekend."
I find it very important to do stuff everyday, and not just go on autopilot on the weekdays while waiting for the weekend. So I try to always find something to do every evening.
August have been pretty bad as the NOK has deprecated in value against EUR and USD. So my strategy of buying forex secured index fund put me back around 3.3% this month. I cross my fingers for sronger NOK in the future.
Crypto also took a hit this month… But I am long term investor in both stocks and crypto, so a month being down is no problem.
Spendings & cash flow
August was veeery expensive due to two vacations with expensive food and nightlife, I don’t have much more to say…
Work life
This month my 3 juniors arrived, it’s exciting to introduce them to our tech stack and see them evolve into the roles they want. Their progress is very good which proves (sort of) that the recruitment process lead to chosing the right candidates. Beside learning the juniors how to do things, we have mainly been working on support for reading measurements from NMEA instruments (a commonly used message protocol for marine applications, usually for position and speed data).
Personal projects
I have a sister that studies computer technology as well, so I am thinking of projects that she can do to make her more interesting for potential workplaces. So far I am thinking of:
- Tic Tac Toe
- Static Instagram
- todo-app in some web framework
Other than that I have started painting my apartment, I’m done with the bathroom and one wall in the living room, but things takes time as we say in norway. I need to find some available afternoons to finish the rest.
Daylio recap
Average happiness 4.1/5.0 an increase by 0.2.
Activites done in August 2023
Activity | Number of days |
Friends | 24 |
Work | 19 |
Sun | 18 |
Relaxing | 14 |
Tired | 12 |
Good food | 10 |
Party | 10 |
Rain | 9 |
Beer | 8 |
YouTube | 5 |
Cloudy | 5 |
Weight lifting | 5 |
Travel | 4 |
Family | 3 |
Practical work | 3 |
Bath in the ocean | 3 |
TV Series/Movies | 2 |
Dates | 1 |
Programming | 1 |
Bouldering | 0 |
Disc Golf | 0 |
Word Count: 1197
Tags: general, monthly-recap